from PIL import Image import sys if not sys.argv[1:]: print("ERROR: No input given") sys.exit(1) # list of characters sorted from bright to dark characters = ['$','@','B','%','8','&','W','M','#','*','o','a','h','k','b','d','p','q','w','m','Z','O','0','Q','L','C','J','U','Y','X','z','c','v','u','n','x','r','j','f','t','/','\\','|','(',')','1','{','}','[',']','?','-','_','+','~','<','>','i','!','l','I',';',':',',','"','^','`','.',' '] def map(in_min, in_max,out_min,out_max,x): return (x - in_min) * (out_max - out_min) / (in_max - in_min) + out_min def brightness(r,b,g): avg= (r+b+g)/3 return avg # print("Please enter Image Name if it if in the same Folder as the Python File, otherwise specify the path to the file!") # imgpath=input() image =[1:][0]) imagewith, imageheight = image.size #get size of image print("Please type the desired resolution on the x(width) Axis!(e.g. 150)") resolution = int(input()) # values to scale down the image divisor = (int(imagewith/resolution))+1 outwith = int(imagewith/divisor) outheight = int(imageheight/divisor) # create an empty 2D Matrix to store the ASCII characters im matrix = [[' ' for x in range(outheight)] for x in range(outwith)] #write the right characters in the matrix for i in range(0,outheight*divisor,divisor): #do steps as big as the divisor, to skip as much pixels as needed for scaling for j in range(0,outwith*divisor,divisor): #only until outsize*devisor, because that we mapped devisor input pixels to one output pixel and because of rounding we cannot map i.e. 38 when divisor is 5 and can only go up to outsize*divisor xy= j, i colors = image.getpixel(xy) charnum = int(map(0,255,len(characters)-1,0,brightness(colors[0],colors[1],colors[2]))) matrix[int(j/divisor)][int(i/divisor)]=characters[charnum] #print the matrix for i in range(0,outheight,2): for j in range(outwith): print(matrix[j][i], end = "") #print without a new line at the end print() #new line