/* This code is part of the EIPA Platform Here, common macros are specified */ #ifndef _COMMON_H_ #define _COMMON_H_ // Maximum Memory Adresses #define MAX_MEMORY 268435456 #define MAX_BREAKPOINTS 1000 // Intitial size and grow size for dynamic buffers #define TABLE_INIT_SIZE 10 #define TABLE_GROW_SIZE 5 #define VER_MAJOR "0" #define VER_MINOR "0" #define VER_PATCH "2" // alpha, beta or stable #define TAG "alpha" #define INSTR_INP 0b0001 #define INSTR_OUT 0b0010 #define INSTR_LDA 0b0011 #define INSTR_STA 0b0100 #define INSTR_INC 0b0101 #define INSTR_DEC 0b0110 #define INSTR_JPP 0b0111 #define INSTR_JPZ 0b1000 #define INSTR_JPN 0b1001 #define INSTR_JPU 0b1010 #define INSTR_EOJ 0b1011 #define ADRESS_BITS 0b00001111111111111111111111111111 // const char *argp_program_bug_address = "eipabugs@outlook.com"; #define EIPA_BUG_ADRESS "eipabugs@outlook.com" #endif